By Carol ZinkePublished: May 13, 2015

CLARKSTON, WA - Idaho Department of Fish and Game is closing salmon fishing on the Lower Clearwater River this Sunday, from the Camas Prairie Railroad Bridge to Cherry Lane Bridge. Fishing ends at 8:30 that night.
Salmon fishing in the Clarkston area is now closed.
The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife made the decision a little earlier than usual this season.

"Little Goose Fishery, Lower Granite Fishery and Clarkston Fishery remained open this last weekend," said WDFW Fish Biologist, Jeremy Trump. "We saw some really high catch rates and effort at Little Goose and Clarkston. We have reached our harvest target for this season, for the Snake River."
Trump said a total of 1,749 fish have been harvested this season.