PLUTO!! NASA Releases the newest images from Horizons

This image of Pluto was captured by New Horizons on July 12 when the spacecraft was 1.6 million miles from the planet.

This picture of Pluto's largest moon, Charon was taken july 12 when it was 1.6 million miles away. It reveals a system of chasms larger than the Grand Canyon.
Look closely at the images below. This is the first time New Horizons has pohotographed Pluto's smallest and faintest moons, Kerberos and Styx. The pics were taken from April 25 to may 1.

below: On its way to Pluto, New Horizons snapped these pics of Jupiter's 4 large "Galilean" moons. From left to right is Lo, Europa, Ganuymede and Callisto.